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Ishioh-san is talking about college tuitions nowadays.
*国公立national and
public schools
*授業料 tuition
*国立 national (schools)
*兄貴older brother
*公立 public (schools)
*私立 private (schools)
*付属attached (school)
*馬鹿ほど to the ridiculous extent
イシオウさん (Shiga)
Q1: How much is the tuition per student for national and public
700,000-yen per year
1,400,000-yen per year
140,000-yen per year
7,000,000-yen per year
Q2: What is the situation of college tuition nowadays according
Tuition for national and public universities has gotten quite
expensive, but that of private universities is not in comparison.
Tuition for private universities has gotten quite expensive,
national and public universities are still affordable.
Tuition for national and public universities has been raised to
same level as that of private universities.