ビデオ聞 ( き ) き取 ( と ) り練習 ( れんしゅう ) 16: Authentic - medium
Watch the video clip and choose the answer that matches the content of
the clip. Submit your answers after answering all the questions.
*Click "SHOW" if you need to refer to the transcript.
Sachie-san was talking about how she disciplines her children.
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行儀 ( ぎょうぎ ) 悪 ( わる ) かったとかあ,特 ( とく ) にほらこう、なんて言 ( ゆ ) うの、人 ( ひと ) に対 ( たい ) して挨拶 ( あいさつ ) とか、
しなあかん (Grammar 3)
よお、とか言うし,こう一応 ( いちおう ) 、常識 ( じょうしき ) は身 ( み ) に付 ( つ ) けといてほしいから、こう言う時 ( とき ) はごめんなさいね
え、とか、前 ( まえ ) 通 ( とお ) る時は前ごめんなさいねえ、とか、ちょっと貸 ( か ) してなあ、とかっていうのはちゃんとは言うてるよ。そんで、ちゃ
んと出会 ( であ ) ったらこんにちは、とか、おはようございます、とか、ちゃんと言わなあかん (Grammar 3) よ、とは言うてる。
*行儀 ( ぎょうぎ ) behavior, manners
*あいさつ greetings
*常識 ( じょうしき ) common sense
*身 ( み ) に付 ( つ ) ける acquire
サチエさん (Shiga)
Q1: What does she tell her children? Choose all that apply.
Greet others appropriately.
Apologize when you have to.
Say “Excuse me” when passing in front of someone.
Say “Please lend it to me” when you want to borrow something.
Don’t’ talk with strangers.
Don’t easily apologize when you know you are right.
Say “please give it to me” when you want others’ belongings.
Q2: Why does she tell such things to her children?
She wants her children to have common sense.
She wants her children to acquire high survival skills.
She wants her children to have a better future.