ビデオ聞 ( き ) き取 ( と ) り練習 ( れんしゅう ) 15: Authentic - medium
Watch the video clip and choose the answer that matches the content of
each clip. Submit your answers after answering all the questions.
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Ishioh-san is talking about meals for herself who lives alone.
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今,あの、かしわのなあ。かしわかてなあ、一人やったらもう面倒 ( めんど ) くさいねん。い、あんなん手羽 ( てば ) 一枚 ( いちまい ) 買 ( こ ) うてき
ても、余分 ( よぶん ) やろ。唐揚 ( からあ ) げしても。もう。せや〜。ほんでなあ、ちょこっと。あの、お魚 ( さかな ) 焼 ( や ) いたりやったらなあ、
お魚一切 ( ひとき ) れ焼いたらええから、なんやしな。昨日 ( きのう ) は肉 ( にく ) じゃが。ちょびっちょびっと。もう〜何 ( なん ) にも残 ( のこ )
らんように思 ( おも ) て。まだ今晩 ( こんばん ) もっぺん、夕 ( ゆう ) べ食べて今朝 ( けさ ) 食べて、今晩もっぺん食べんと (Grammar
2)。今晩食べても終 ( お ) わらへん。
* かしわ(Kansai) = 鶏肉 ( とりにく ) chicken
*面倒 ( めんど ) くさい(Kansai) = めんどうくさい troublesome, tiresome
*手羽 ( てば ) chicken wing
*余分 ( よぶん ) extra, excess
イシオウさん (Shiga)
Q1: What is her opinion regarding cooking meals for herself?
The amount of most meals are too much for cooking and eating by
She feels lonely cooking just for herself without sharing meals
She would rather eat out than cook a small amount for herself.
Q2: What does she mention regarding 肉 ( にく ) じゃが?
She has been eating it since yesterday. She has to eat it
tonight again
but there would still be leftovers.
She has been eating it since yesterday. She is tired of it and
she does
not plan on eating it tonight anymore.
She has been eating it since yesterday. She will finish it