ビデオ聞き取り練習14: Authentic - medium
Watch the video clip and choose the answer that matches the content of
the clip.
*Click "SHOW" if you need to refer to the transcript.
Akira was asked whether he prefers eating out or eating at home.
- そやね、家で食べる方がええね。うん。やっぱりね安心するし,その好きな物を,好きな物を
ていうかなあ、その気兼ねなくって言うの?格好も気にせんでええ (Grammar 1)
ええ (Grammar 1)
*気兼ね する be afraid of
bothering, feel constraint
*格好form, shape |
アキラ (Osaka) |
Q: Why does he prefer eating at home? Choose all the applicable
- He feels ease.
- He can eat whatever he wants free of constraint.
- He doesn’t have to worry about what to wear.
- He doesn’t have to care how he eats.
- He can eat with whomever he likes.
- He thinks homemade meals are safer.
- He doesn’t have to care about people he eats with.