Location: Kansai Dialect Self-study Site / Ch7. Other Resources /

Kansai-related Links


Internet Watch インターネットで関西を体験 : A number of useful links related to Kansai are included
Kansai Window : Kansai Information in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean.
Kansai Time Out : Monthly magazine (in English) - closed down in 2009
Kansai Scene: Monthly magazine (in English)
Kansai Flea Market: Information exchange among Kansai foreigners (in English)
Kansai Food page: Kansai area restaurant and market guide (in English)

Kansai Newspapers:

朝日新聞:大阪 (Asahi Shimbun: Osaka)
京都新聞 (Kyoto Shimbun)
The Kyoto Shimbun News (in English) 
産経新聞 (Sankei Shimbun)
奈良新聞 (Nara Shimbun)
毎日新聞:めっちゃ関西 (Mainichi Shimbun: Meccha Kansai)
読売新聞:関西発  (Yomiuri Shimbun: Kansai-hatsu)
神戸新聞 (Kobe Shimbun)

Kansai TV Stations & Programs:

関西テレビ (KTV: Kansai Telecasting Co., Ltd.) in Osaka
朝日放送 (ABC: Asahi Broadcasting Co., Ltd.) in Osaka
毎日放送 (MBS: Mainichi Broadcasting System, Inc.) in Osaka
読売放送 (YTV: Yomiuri Telecasting Co., Ltd.) in Osaka
テレビ大阪 (Television Osaka, Inc.) in Osaka
KBS京都 (KBS: Kyoto Broadcasting Co., Ltd.) in Kyoto
びわ湖放送 (BBC: Biwako Broadcasting Co., Ltd.) in Shiga
サンテレビ(Sun TV: Sun Television Co. Ltd.) in Hyogo
テレビ和歌山 (WTV: Wakayama Telecasting Co., Ltd.) in Wakayama
三重テレビ放送 (MTV: Mie Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd.) in Mie

探偵!ナイトスクープ 公式サイト
: Popular TV program in Kansai – Kansai comedians pursue on investigation to answer genuine but funny questions and requests from the audience: 

City/Prefectural Official Websites  (in English):

京都府 Welcome to Kyoto , 京都市 Kyoto City Web
大阪府/大阪市 Osaka Tourist Guide
兵庫県 Hyogo International Tourism site ,  神戸市 Kobe City
滋賀県 Welcome to Shiga ,  大津市 Otsu City (Automatic Translation)
和歌山県 Wakayama Prefecture ,  和歌山市 Wakayama City
奈良県 Nara Prefecture , 奈良市 Nara City (Automatic Translation)
三重県 Mie Prefecture

Kansai Dialect Websites:

Nihongo Resources : Japan-related resources (EJ-JE Dictionaries etc) including grammar and kansaiben in English.
In the Kansaiben-site; Intro, to the differences in Syntax, grammar, particles and Vocabulary List of kansaiben are included.
全 国大阪弁普 及協会: (The national Association for the Promotion of the Osaka Dialect) Conclusitve information on Osaka-ben. The site no longer available (as of 2015), however, most pages are available on internet archive.
京言葉: Grammar and accent explanation on Kyoto-ben.