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関西弁(かんさいべん)のアニメと漫画(まんが) Kansai-ben in Anime and Manga

There are quite a few anime and manga in which Kansai characters appear. If the story takes place in Kansai-region, there is no question as to why all the characters speak Kansai-ben. However, there are also some in which only one particular character speaks Kansai-ben. It may be because creators expect to set a laid-back, carefree, happy-go-lucky (and sly or sneaky)  character in their story, since these qualities are considered typical of Kansai-jin. There is a case that Kansai non-native voice actors sometimes imitate Kansai-ben in anime. Such a fake dialect is called nise (or ese) kansai-ben. If you can distinguish nise kansai-ben from the authentic one, you are an honorary user of this site! Also, please note that Kansai characters tend to be given southern accents for their English voices.

関西弁アニメ Kansai Anime (with Kansai Characters)

*Most external links are their official sites. The list was most recently updated in 2022. 
じゃりん()チエ (Chie the Brat)

It is about ten-year-old Chie, "the most unfortunate girl in Japan", who manages her family diner (Horumonyaki-ya) in Osaka while her unemployed yakuza father and her mother are separated. All the characters speak Kansai-ben. It is really funny. It is definitely a must-see classic.
 アベノ(ばし)魔法(まほう)商店街(しょうてんがい) (Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi)
Childhood friends Arumi and Sasshi, living in the Abenobashi commercial district in Osaka, find themselves transported to an alternate sword and sorcery world after an accident. Arumi, Sasshi and all the characters in Abenobashi speak Kansai-ben in this anime.
ラブ★コン (Lovely Complex)

A complicated love story between a 172 cm tall girl and a 156 cm boy in a high school in Osaka.  Their talk sounds so comical to others and classmates think of them as All Hanshin-Kyojin (a famous Yoshimoto manzai duo in Osaka - Hanshin is a small guy where as Kyojin is very tall).
ヒカルの() (Hikaru no Go)

社清春 (Kiyoharu Yashiro) as well as all other people in 関西棋院 (Kansai-Kiin) speak Kansai-ben.
あ ずまんが大王(だいおう)(Azumanga Daioh)
春日歩 (Ayumu “Osaka” Kasuga) is a Kansai-ben speaker.
神尾晴子 (Haruko Kamio) speaks Kansai-ben.
()きたて!!ジャぱん (Yakitate!! Japan)
河内恭介 (Kyosuke Kawachi) speaks Kansai-ben.
 うる(せい)やつら (Urusei Yatura)
テン (TEN), a toddler alien, speaks Kansai-ben.
エクセル サーガ (Excel Saga)
住吉大丸 (Daimaru Sumiyoshi) speaks Kansai-ben.
新世紀(しんせいき)エバンゲリオン (Neon Genesis Evangelion) 
鈴原トウジ (Toji Suzuhara) speaks kansai-ben(?) *Tomokazu Seki, the voice actor for this character, is from Tokyo.
カードキャプ ターさくら (Card Captor Sakura)
ケロちゃん (Kero-chan) speaks Kansai-ben.
ヤミと帽子(ぼうし)(ほん)旅人(たびびと) (Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito)
ケンちゃん (Ken-chan) and メリリン (Meirin) speak Kansai-ben.
(まい)-HIME (Mai-HIME)
藤乃静留 (Shizuru Fujino) speaks Kansai-ben.
PEACE MAKER(くろがね) (Peace Maker KURIGANE)
明里 (Akesato) speaks Kansai-ben.
最 遊記(さいゆうき):RELOAD GUNLOCK (Saiyuki Reload Gunlock)
ヘイゼル・グロース (Hazel) speaks Kansai-ben.
ケロロ軍曹(ぐんそ う) (Keroro Gunsou)

In episode 18, Kururu invents a machine to change one's accent to Kansai-ben in order to make them better at a "Boke And Tsukkomi Routine contest."
ラブひな (Love Hina) & ラ ブひなAgain (Love Hina Again)
紺野みつね (Konno Mitsune), also known as きつね(Kitsune), speaks Kansai-ben.
学園(がくえ ん)アリス (Alice Academy)
佐倉蜜柑 ( Sakura Mikan) speaks Kansai-ben.
ら き☆すた (Lucky ☆ Star)
黒井ななこ先生 (Nanako Kuroi, the teacher) speaks Kansai-ben.
ハヤテのごとく! (Hayate the Combat Butler)
愛沢 咲夜 (Sakuya Aizawa) speaks Kansai-ben.
ブリーチ (Bleach)
市丸ギン (Gin Ichimaru) speaks Kyoto-ben.
名探偵(めいたんてい)コナン (Dedective Conan; Case Closed)
服部平次(Heiji Hattori) speaks Osaka-ben.
プロゴルファー 猿谷猿丸(Sarumaru Sarutani) speaks Kansai-ben.
ラブライブ! 東條希(Nozomi Tojo) speaks Kansai-ben.
スマイルプリキュラ! 日野あかね(Akane Hino) speaks Kansai-ben.
デジモンアドベンチャー (Dejimon Adventure) テントモン(Tentomon) speaks Kansai-ben.
弱虫(よわむし)ペダル 鳴子章吉(Shokichi Naruto) speaks Kansai-ben.
黒子(くろこ)のバスケ 今吉翔一(Shoichi Imayoshi) speaks Kansai-ben.
ハイキュー!! 宮侑(Yu Miya) and 北信介(Shinsuke Kita) speak Kansai-ben.
(あお)祓魔師(ふつまし) エクソシスト (Blue Exorcist) 勝呂竜士(Ryushi Suguro) speaks Kansai-ben.
トライガン (Trigun) Nicholas D. Wolfwood speaks Kansai-ben.
デッドマン・ワンダーランド (Deadman Wonderland) 興緒唐子(Karako Koshio) speaks Kansai-ben.
K(ケイ) 草薙出雲 (Izumo Kusanagi) speaks Kyoto-ben.
未来日記(みらいにっき)(Future Diary) 日野日向 (Hinata Hino) speaks Kansa0-ben.
(ぼく)のヒーローアカデミア (My Hero Academia) “Fat Gum” speaks Kansai-ben.
ヘタリア (Hetalia Axis Powers) Characters are personifications of countries, regions such as Hong Kong, and micronations with little reference to other national personifications. Both positive and negative cultural stereotypes form part of each character's personality. “Spain” speaks Kansai-ben.
ハイキュー!! (Haikyu!! To The Top) The twin volleyball players, 宮侑 (Atsumu Miya) and 宮治 (Osamu Miya) speak Kansai-ben.
境界(きょうかい)彼方(かなた) (Beyond the Boundary) 新堂彩華 (Ayaka Shindo) wears Kimono and speaks Kyoto-ben.
銀魂(ぎんたま)(Gintama) 鬼塚一愛 (Hime Onizuka a.k.a Himeko) speaks Kansai-ben.
ちはやふる (Chihayafuru) 若宮詩暢 (Shinobu Wakamiya) is a current Karuta Queen and speaks Kyoto-ben.
コード: ブレイカー (Code:Breaker) 天宝院遊騎 (Yuuki Tenpouin) ‘s code # is 03, and he speaks Kansai-ben.
会長(かいちょう)はメイド(さま) (Maid-sama!) 五十嵐虎 (Tora Igarashi) is the president of the student council and speaks Kansai-ben.
デジモンアドベンチャー (Dejimon Adventure) 泉光子郎 (Koushiro Izumi)’s partner Dejimon, テントモン(Koshiro’s Tentomon) speaks Kansai-ben.
極黒(ごくこく)のブリュンヒルデ (Brynhildr in the Darkness) カズミ=シュリーレンツァウアー(Kazumi Schilerenzauer) is a half-Austrian magician who speaks Japanese with a Kansai accent. Her power is hacking computer systems.
べるぜバブ (Beelzebub) 花澤由加 (Yuka Hanazawa) speaks Kansai-ben.
(ひび)け!ユーフォニアム (Sound! Euphonium) 田中あすか (Asuka Tanaka) is in charge of euphonium and speaks Kansai-ben.
黒子(くろこ)のバスケ (Kuroko’s Bascketball) 今吉翔一 (Shoichi Imayoshi) uses “washi” to call himself and speaks Kansai-ben.
Btooom! ブトゥーム 平清 (Kiyoshi Taira) speaks Osaka-ben.

参照: https://www.anime-planet.com/characters/tags/kansai-dialect

* Some recommend to refer to the following site to get information in English.
TV Tropes Wiki: The Idiots from Osaka

関西弁の漫画  Manga in Kansai-ben

Here are some examples in which most characters speak Kansai-ben. (* Most animes introduced above originated in manga.)

じゃりン()チエ (Jarinko Chie) はるき悦巳(えつみ) 双葉社(ふたばしゃ)
大阪(おおさか)(まめ)ゴハン (Osaka Mame-gohan) サラ・イイネス 講談社(こうだんしゃ)
アベノ橋魔法(ばしまほう)商店街(しょうてんがい) (Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi) GAINAX・鶴田謙二(つるたけんじ) 講談社(こうだんしゃ)
ラブ★コン (Lovely Complex) 中原(なかはら)アヤ 集英社(しゅうえいしゃ)
ちゃぶだいケンタ (Chabudai Kenta) うめ 講談社(こうだんしゃ)
ナニワ金融道(きんゆうどう)(The Way of Osaka Financing) 青木雄二(あおきゆうじ)
(はな)ざかりの(きみ)たちへ (For You in Full Blossom) 中条比紗也(なかじょうひさや) 白泉社(はくせんしゃ)
バンビとドール 丘上(おかうえ)あい 講談社(こうだんしゃ)
エリート協奏曲(きょうそうきょく) 弓月光(ゆづきひかる) 「集英社|しゅうえいしゃ
(あか)ちゃんと(ぼく) (Baby and Me) 羅川真里茂(らがわまりも) 白泉社(はくせんしゃ)
ならしかたなし 雪野下(ゆきのした) ろせ 白泉社(はくせんしゃ)

関西弁のゲーム  Games in Kansai-ben

スーパーストリートファイターIV (Super Street Fighter IV) ハカン (Hakan) is seen speaking to E. Honda in Kansai-ben during a cutscene before his battle with the portly sumo wrestler.
ドリームクラブ ZERO (Dream Club Zero) Mio, one of the hostesses, speaks Kyoto-ben.
ごっつ三国(さんごく)関西戦記(かんさいせんき) All the characters’ lines are in Kansai-ben.