Location: Kansai Dialect Self-study Site / Ch4. Functional Grammar / 4.Honorifics / 2 Grammar /

3. Vやる    Third person’s action

In the former section we talked about the use of おる(とる/よる)as a pejorative expression for the third persons/animals/things. You also know that it is a blunt expression, hence is mainly used by male speakers. Then is there any gentle expression that female speakers use when talking about third person/animal/thing’s action or state? Yes, Vやる is the one. (Please note that this expression is not usually used in Kyoto/Shiga area, as they tend to use はる to be gentle and polite.)

V(masu-form stem) + やる
()やる、やる、 ()やる、()やる、やる、や る

やる could hold some emotional / pejorative-like implications such as expressing anger /criticism as well as surprise, praise and such; however, still has a gentle/feminine feature compared to よる.


(ST  あの人、あんな大きなステーキを全部食べたよ。すごいねえ。) 

(かあ)さ〜ん、かずきくんが(わたし)のケーキ食べ やんねん!(おこ)って!

(ST お母さん、かずきくんが私のケーキ食べるんだよ。(しか)って!)

Vている becomes Vてやる.


(ST あそこに座っている子、誰か待っているの?) 

Now, let’s summarize who use はる/よる/やる in what situation. Who typically use it, male speakers or female speakers, or both? What is the hierarchical difference or psychological distance of the speaker from 山田さん?

ST 山田さん、会社辞めたよ。

(1) 山田さん、会社辞めはったで。

(2) 山田さん、会社辞めよったで。

(3) 山田さん、会社辞めやったで。

(1) can be used by both male and female. はる indicates either 山田さん is hierarchically higher than or is psychologically distant from the speaker. Or if the speaker is female from Kyoto/Shiga, she may just want to be polite.

(2) is typically used by male. よる indicates either 山田さん is hierarchically lower than the speaker, or the speaker looks down on 山田さん. Or the speaker is just blunt. When the speaker is female, it is a sign of bluntness or disgust toward 山田さん.

(3) is mainly used by female speakers, except those in Kyoto/Shiga. It indicates 山田さん has equal status with or lower status than the speaker, or the speaker feels close to 山田さん.

Extra 1: 読んでやる VS 読んでやる???

Some of you may wonder, “Wait! やる can be the blunt expression of あげる, then how can one distinguish Kansai-specific 〜てやる that indicates a third person’s action from the blunt version of 〜てあげる?” Well, the key point is the difference in their accents.


ゆうちゃんが本を読んやった。(third person’s action) (ST 読んでいた)