練習4: Utilization
What would you say in the following situations in Kansai-ben? Try to
in several ways.
*Answers vary; the recorded answers indicate those commonly used.
* Click "SHOW" if you need to refer to the transcript of the
example answers.
*Move the mouse over to the speaker icon for sound
1. Your host mother served nattoo
soybeans) that you don’t like. Ask her (politely) if
it’s all right that not to eat nattoo.
- 納
2. You just ate dinner with your
friend, and your friend offered to pay for both of you. Make sure if
it’s really all right that you don’t pay anything.
- ほ
3. You haven’t finished
reading a magazine you have borrowed from your friend. Ask her if you
don’t need to return it to her by the end of the day.
- こ
4. Ask your colleague until when
you have to make a copy of this document (shorui).
- この書類いつまでにコピーせなあきませんの?/いつまでにコピーせんとあきませんの?
5. You want to go to
Nishinomiya, but you are not sure if the train you are on goes
there. Tell the conductor where you want to go, and ask him if
you have to transfer.
- 西宮まで行きたいんですけど、 乗り換えなあきませんか?/乗り換えんとあきませんか?