Ms. B is talking about her new English school. Listen to the andio and
answer the following question.
* Click "SHOW" if you need to
refer to the transcript.
- A: こんどの英語学校どない?
- B: しんどいでぇ。日本語しゃべったらあかんねん。
- A: へえ、そらかなんなあ。
- B:うん。授業中は、ノート
- A:へえ。せやけど、もう5時やで。そのがっこ行かなあかんのちゃうん?
- B: ええねん。ちょっとぐらい休んでもええねん。
- A: そんなわけないやろ。
- B: あ、わかる?
Q: Which statements describe the rules of her English class
correctly? Choose all
applicable answers.
- Speaking in Japanese is prohibited.
- You must watch English videos at home.
- You should not take notes in class.
- Do not speak in class.
- You must memorize what the teacher says in class.
- You must not talk to the teacher in class.
- You should not take notes in class.
- You are allowed to miss some classes.